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On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 10:45:15AM +0100, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
>Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> Use the recommended style as mentioned in Git documentation 
>> somewhere: First line a summary of at most 40 chars, then empty line, 
>> then optional detailed commit message (which is stripped by 
>> git-shortlog).
>> Also, I'd suggest mentioning ticket numbers at end instead, in the 
>> style used by Debian. Example:
>> Fix foobar -> barbaz. Closes: SL#1234, OLPC#1235.
>> The logic is to always prepend "Closes: " and then either "SL#" or 
>> "#" for each comma-separated ticket closed, or prepend "OLPC#" for 
>> tickets closed at the laptop.org bugtracker.
>Some thoughts:
> - Because the commit message summary appears in the shortlog,
>   it should be kept below 74 characters to avoid ugly wrapping.

Git prepends commit hashes, which is the reason for keeping it even 
shorter. I do not remember where I read it but am pretty sure their 
recommendation is to keep first line at most 40 chars.

> - Given the above, the word "Closes: " steals precious characters,
>   and is rather easy to deduce, therefore I'd opt it out.

It really makes better sense to me to not squeeze bug hints into that 
first line at all, but instead include them in a later line of the 

Dropping the leading "Closes: " makes it harder to rely on for automated 
bug closing. You might not care about that, but I must say that I find 
that mechanism pretty cool on Debian.

> - To reduce clutter, I'd make the "SL" prefix implied, and leave
>   other prefixes such as OLPC#123 and RH#456 explicit.

You mean that you agree with my proposal of having "SL" _optional_ or 
you mean that it must never be there?

Imagine a future fork of Sugarlabs. Let's call it "Suguntu" to hint at 
where I am going with this. Suguntu has their own bug tracking system, 
and some Sugarlabs developers gets hired to work on both systems in 
parallel. In the beginning Suguntu acts as downstram to Sugarlabs, but 
over time some parts of Sugar then gets primarily maintained at Suguntu 
so some changelog entries close Suguntu bugreports and not Sugarlabs 
ones. I'd say it makes sense to allow "SL" as a hint, but just have it 
be optional so that for packages only maintained upstream at Sugarlabs 
there is no need to add it to eah and eery bug hint.

  - Jonas

- -- 
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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