David Van Assche wrote:
> What's wrong with offering kde, sugar, or gnome from the login manager
> (whatever that might be... that could be made as simple or complicated
> as one wanted.) Kde has an amazingly powerful group of edu apps, as
> does gnome, as does Sugar... all for different age groups... so it
> might make sense to make something all encompassing that is useful for
> all educational groups...
> David

If that is the desire from whoever is using those Sticks - off he goes. 
Caroline wants to offer GNOME as well - great. Those images are easily 
customizable - so as marco said there could be different versions.

Subnote: There is a size limit as well to some sticks - for example 1 GB 
sticks are quite common - not sure if you can fit all the desktops on 
that and offer space for the user he can write to as well.

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