David Van Assche wrote:
> Yeah we are doing the same with edubuntu... which should include sugar
> in Jaunty+1, when it is a little more mature (activity wise.) Kde-edu
> has made massive advances in their edu tools and the kde team seems
> very committed to getting the whole distro known as the 'edu' distro.
> Part of the reason for this is that the Brazillian government made a
> commitment to put 60 million users infront of kde 4... (not LTSP
> sadly) but thats a pretty big market... so now they've decided to
> really focus on edu... think of the possibilitiy of making learning
> objects that are plasmoids... the sky is the limit... Anyway, edubuntu
> is a mix of gnome and kde edu apps... and soon sugar edu stuff too....
> kind Regards,
> David Van Assche

Yeah, I agree! The folks at KDE are doing a great job with their kdeedu 
stuff. I came across this here recently, looks like a good plan to me 
[1]; thanks to Greg for referring me to it. ;)

I'm not feared either of mixing Gnome, KDE and Sugar apps (XFCE is also 
our Fedora spin), but there're some questions coming into my mind:

* How can we promote Sugar best?

So. Obviously the question would also be whether it makes sense to 
include Sugar in a general Fedora Education Spin (e.g. which includes 
also kdeedu). But how would this work? I mean would we just have to 
desktops there, or how can we provide the best usability? And would 
something like this worth targeting F11?

If the answer to the last question is 'yes', I'd need to hurry a bit 
with modifying the kickstart and talking other folks.

* How can we prevent us from doing duplicated work?

Does it make sense to release Sugar on a Stick and a Fedora Sugar Spin 
at the same time, with just marginal differences (e.g. having more 
activities in SoaS but the Fedora trademark in the latter one)?

Or would it e.g. be worth considering to drop e.g. the Fedora Sugar Spin 
and focus instead on SoaS *and* and inclusion of Sugar on a complete 
Education Spin?

I think this really needs to be discussed. If you want to, even at 
FOSDEM ;). These are just some thoughts and I'm not quite sure, where 
this will end up, though.


> On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Sebastian Dziallas <sebast...@when.com> 
> wrote:
>> Simon Schampijer schrieb:
>>> David Van Assche wrote:
>>>> What's wrong with offering kde, sugar, or gnome from the login manager
>>>> (whatever that might be... that could be made as simple or complicated
>>>> as one wanted.) Kde has an amazingly powerful group of edu apps, as
>>>> does gnome, as does Sugar... all for different age groups... so it
>>>> might make sense to make something all encompassing that is useful for
>>>> all educational groups...
>>>> David
>>> If that is the desire from whoever is using those Sticks - off he goes.
>>> Caroline wants to offer GNOME as well - great. Those images are easily
>>> customizable - so as marco said there could be different versions.
>> I just created a very first draft of a slimmed-down version including Gnome
>> and Sugar on the same spin. Though, I didn't get to testing it yet. You can
>> just have a look at the GIT repo here: [1]
>> The soas-*.ks files are the ones which should also work on other hardware
>> than the XO.
>> --Sebastian
>> [1] http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=projects/fedora-xo;a=tree
>>> Subnote: There is a size limit as well to some sticks - for example 1 GB
>>> sticks are quite common - not sure if you can fit all the desktops on that
>>> and offer space for the user he can write to as well.
>>> Cheers,
>>>    Simon
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