On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk> wrote:

> Debian POV: Someone needs to volunteer packaging "sugar-etoys-activity".
> Drop an email to debian-olpc-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org .
> Ubuntu POV: Someone needs to volunteer hacking[1] together a sugar
> activity package until a Debian package can be adopted. More info at
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SugarTeam
> I recommend helping as "upstream" as possible instead of only locally
> for Ubuntu. YMMV.

Yes, but our "hacks" are the result of a lack of understanding of your
git-based packaging; we found it much simpler to use a workflow like
svn-buildpackage with get-orig-source where we don't have to deal with
multiple branches, etc. All the benifits of using git are moot since you use
a patch system, which I think is a better workflow.

It's interesting that Ubuntu had *working* sugar packages with *more*
working activities six months ago. This is no longer the case, as we've
synced to Debian packaging (which had some show-stopper bugs that required
us to patch *each* activity you/we were shipping).

If you'd support a sugar-whatever-activity package that didn't use
git-buildpackage or the multi-branch/tree workflow, I'd be happy to produce
one, but as it stands the build and import process is undocumented. The lack
of proper documentaiton has caused Morgan and I considerable frustration,
adn was the reason that we decided to fork into non-git packaging for our
temporary Ubuntu "hacks". (ie "making it work in a month so other people can
actually use it")

[1] I do not mean to say that Ubuntu packaging in principle is any worse
> quality than packages adopted from Debian. Just that Ubuntu generally
> seems to generally favor passing on the grunt work to Debian and treat
> locally packaged stuff as temporary, i.e. hacks.

Luke Faraone
Sugar-devel mailing list

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