On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 02:28:35PM -0500, David Farning wrote:
> The basic principle behind the ALSO updater seems to be that you send
> a url to ASLO - Services and it responds with a list of available
> updates.
> Server side, the updater is part of ALSO services, a collection of
> activity related services.  The relevant code is found under
> site/app/webroot/services .
> The location of services is defined in config.php.  I think that we
> defined it as http://activities.sugarlabs.org/services .
> The url is sent by the client is of the form
>     *  service URL schema version
>     * app name
>     * app version
>     * app buildid
>     * app buildtarget
>     * app locale
>     * aus channel
>     * distribution name
>     * distribution version
> e.g.,
> /update/3/Firefox/3.0a8pre/2007083015/Darwin_x86-gcc3/en-US/default/Darwin%208.10.1/testpartner/1.0/update.xml
> see https://wiki.mozilla.org/Software_Update for more information.
> Client side Firefox generates the url via the following java script code.
> http://mxr.mozilla.org/firefox/source/toolkit/mozapps/update/src/nsUpdateService.js.in
> It should be straight forward to modify
> sugar-jhbuild/source/sugar-update-control/src to create a appropriate
> url.
> Currently I am stuck trying to manually create a test url.  I think
> the following should work
> https://aus2.mozilla.org/update/3/Firefox/3.0a8pre/2007083015/Darwin_x86-gcc3/en-US/default/Darwin%208.10.1/testpartner/1.0/update.xml
> but it just returns
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <updates>
> </updates>
> Anyone see anything obvious that I am screwing up?
> thanks
> david

I tried this:

id:      GUID of activity
appID:   {3ca105e0-2280-4897-99a0-c277d1b733d2} magic string for sugar app
version: version id(make sense only for non-public activities)

additional "&debug=true" outputs logs

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