2009/7/16 David Farning <dfarn...@sugarlabs.org>:
> A possible answer would be to abstract ALSOParse.py and microformat.py
> as back ends for Sugar-Update-Control (SUC).

It's not so much the issue of losing support for the existing
widely-deployed setup (although that would be unfortunate), it's that
this seems to lack design. The microformat-style update (along with
certain characteristics of the updater and server implementation) is
not perfect, but it is good for field use and "G1G1" style internet

The motivation for moving to "aslo" seems to be only that of "because
it's running on sugarlabs.org," without consideration for any
technical pros or cons of the different format, how it might be
deployed in the field, etc. I think you should take a more detailed
approach to this, without limiting yourself to the quirks and current
behaviour of the aslo code.

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