On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 05:42:14PM +0000, Aleksey Lim wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 09:48:23AM -0400, Eben Eliason wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Aleksey Lim<alsr...@member.fsf.org> wrote:
> > > On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 09:43:38PM +0200, Simon Schampijer wrote:
> > >> Hi,
> > >>
> > >> in this week we want to talk about the Journal and datastore [1]
> > >> improvements planned for 0.86. The Library activity [2] has shown some
> > >> interesting concepts as well. What are the common goals, how to move
> > >> forward, where to invest?
> > >
> > > Just some thoughts before meeting.
> > >
> > > For new Journal we have:
> > > * action-centric view
> > > * object-centric view
> > >
> > > In my mind they are quite different,
> > > action-centric view relates to timelines when object-centric is more
> > > like a browsing of objects(sort, tag them etc).
> > >
> > > So, what about using Library's code base for object-centric view?
> > 
> > I think Library and Scott's "Journal 2" are both good sources to pull
> > from. From a UI perspective, however, I think keeping to something
> > very much like the existing mockups is the best course, both because
> > this is a familiar ground for users (the initial vision for object
> > view is nearly identical to the current Journal UI) and because it's
> > important to keep it simple while finding intuitive ways to extend
> > functionality. I think exposing tags, adding tag autocompletion,  and
> > improving the selection filters in the toolbar are good places to
> > start.
> I'm a bit concerned by having(many?) filter combo-boxes in toolbar[1],
> maybe having sidebar(like in Library[2]) could make more sense(btw user can
> hide sidebar to browse objects in "full window" mode), moreover we could
> use several views for entries in sidebar: list(tree) view, tag cloud[3].
> > Adding the grid view to expose object previews would also be a
> > great addition!
> > 
> > I also like that Library has started to support sharing. I think there
> > have been a number of interesting proposals for how this might work in
> > the Journal, and I'd love to see the feature added. Perhaps by
> > selecting "View Journal" in the palette for a buddy it would be
> > possible to see anyone's shared content.
> The original idea of Library in case of sharing was shared(common) collections
> of sugar objects i.e.:
> * user #1 creates collection(Library object), creation means choosing
>   filter for local objects(user tags, properties like mime-type, another
>   DS fields)
> * user #1 shares his collection(Library object)
> * user #2 can join #1's session and see(download) objects from his collection
> * user #2 can add his local objects to this shared collection(by setting
>   filter for his local objects)
>   so, all joined users can view all(from all users) shared objects in
>   one place
> Having "View Journal" option in buddy menu makes sense as well
> But in that case we should provide possibility to mark objects that can
> be shared(I guess sharing all local objects by default is not a nice idea).
> And Library's method doesn't fit well for this(since it uses filter and
> adding one particular object to collection(shared list) is a problem).
> I thought about this issue in context of Library.. and what about:
> Extend conception of Favorites to Pins. The idea is:
> - having implicit list of Library-collections/shared-collections means
>   problem to support these lists(if user deletes some object, sugar 
>   should update all these collection lists implicitly)
> - contrariwise, having in object implicit list of all collection links that
>   this object participates in, means also some odd implicit job to
>   support these links
> + so, what about delegation this job to users and make this process explicit
> + sugar does not do odd job of implicit supporting lists of links
> + users can understand what objects go to what collections(like
>   collection of objects to share, collection of starred objects, users
>   collections)
> * old Favorites mark would be a "pre-installed" pin
>   so, we could have several standard pins:
>   * pins for objects to share
>   * Favorites could be transformed to pins to show objects in home view
>     so any object(not only activities) could appear in home view
>   * ...
> * each pin could have unique color(and name)
> * like Favorites pins could be attached to objects from list view(there
>   is no needs to open details dialog)
> * each objects can have several pins attached at the same time
> * we can render all these attached pins in one cell(not in per-pin cells
>   like for participants) i.e. pins will overlap each over
> [1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/Designs/Journal#3
> [2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:-1.png
> [3] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:-2.png

sorry, forgot to mention - its all about object-centric view

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