Another question that came up today:

Should the activity toolbar contain the "share" option by default? 
Disabled by default?

<erikos> a) the sharing button should be optional
<alsroot> erikos: I guess in case of a) we can follow old behaviour - by 
default all buttons are enabdled, dev is free to hide() them
<erikos> alsroot: I would prefer to hide it by default
<erikos> alsroot: as most of the simple activities do not have sharing 
<alsroot> erikos: +1 then
<erikos> alsroot: we could as well make it insensitive
<erikos> alsroot: hmm
<alsroot> erikos: or another option, having full featured activity 
toolbar and if user wants something different he can create regular 
gtk.Toolbar and place there activity.widgets components
<erikos> alsroot: hmm, yeah - let's imagine the case: kid does create 
his first activity
<erikos> alsroot: they will follow guide X - and use the standard toolbar
<erikos> alsroot: even though, no sharing is implemented - they will get 
the button
<erikos> alsroot: we can ask as well for clarification the design team
<erikos> alsroot: just be to clear: not a blocker to land your work today
* alsroot just thinks that mentioning of hiding something from default 
toolbar in the guide could be more confusing
<alsroot> s/hiding/hiding or showing/
<erikos> alsroot: lets ask again on the ml, to be sure, sounds good?
<alsroot> erikos: yeah

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