Exactly what is the problem that this solution wants to solve? I mean that is not the teacher who selects from the lessons depending on her personal lesson plan? (Of course we could provide a default lesson plan but in the end it is up to the teacher what she wants to teach and in what order.) So is it important at all to select from a predetermined date or country specific grade? Can it be that I do not understand at all how those lessons would be used in the classroom? Or is this mega bundle (what bundles a lot of lessons from different subjects) solves the deployability problem and creates a selection problem?

Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
Hi all,

I spent some time toying around with Chakra in the past 24 hours. As a preliminary result I have concluded that we should initially support two different "views" of the available lessons.

(1) What I call "E-Paath" style (see the attached chakra_epaath_s.jpg) as it follows E-Paath's current flow in terms of choosing Grade - Subject - Week before being presented with an overview of the available lessons. (2) "List" style (see the attached chakra_list_s.jpg) which is a simple list of lessons available for that Grade and Subject (of course one could make it even simpler by listing all lessons for a given Subject, regardless of Grade)

(Please ignore the lack of reasonable design and color choices in these screenshots;-)

Now the question is how to generate these Chakras for a given set of lessons (which are stored in sub-folders)...

In general the issue is that with the currently proposed Karma bundle layout (http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Karma/Bundle_layout) the only information we have about a lesson is it's name. This is of course too little data to create a nice Chakra with Grade and Subject choices. Subsequently I believe that we should find a way to include some additional information with lessons.

The way that OLE Nepal currently handles it during E-Paath development is that lessons are stored in sub-folders named <Grade>_<Subject>_<Lesson Name>_<Week> (e.g. 6_English_RajuAndTheWolf_1). Based on that information a support scripts then builds the Flash menu structure.

Now I was thinking that one approach could be to include some sort of .info file in each lesson that contains the information. While Subject probably will be fairly consistent between various countries the Grade information is highly country-specific and could be put into the respective .po files for each locale.

What do you think, does that approach make sense? What are other possible solutions to deal with this?

As always, all comments, feedback and suggestions are much appreciated.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
url: www.olpcnews.com <http://www.olpcnews.com>
e-mail: christ...@olpcnews.com <mailto:christ...@olpcnews.com>




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