On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 09:21 -0500, David Farning wrote:
> The work going on in Nepal is one of the primary reasons for
> establishing SIGs and projects.  Nepal is doing an amazing job of
> creating solutions for local problems.
> Sigs/projects are a place where deployments can share ideas and work
> together on solutions for local issues.
> A good example of how to progress would be to work through the
> questions on the SIG guidelines at
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Project_Guidelines .  The
> questions are not just bureaucratic hurdles.  They represent some of
> the best practices that Eclipse, Apache and Fedora have found helping
> ideas grow into successful projects.  You have already worked through
> most of the issues for karma.
> The project wiki format is basically the same a a team wiki page.  It
> is pretty flexible yet makes it easy for someone to discover what your
> project is all about and how to get involved.
> david

tks for the thoughtful response Dave

good, then i don't feel bad about using the SL logo :)

What should the next step for Karma be on the SIG/Project route?

I think it will take 6+ months for a governance strategy for Karma to be
worked out. Essentially right now we are just trying to reimplement the
work done in Flash to html5+javascript. Later when different individuals
have differing ideas, we may need some governance. Right now, the main
focus is "How do we convert the talking water buffalo from flash to

Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

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