2009/10/18 Avi <fiendi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Wade wrote:
>  > Rationale:
>  > 1) Less flashy
>  > 2) Clock theme represents time
>  > 3) Ability to count how many seconds the launch takes
>  > 4) Close button (instead of timeout) when there is an error
>  > 5) Possibly less startup overhead; needs to be tested on XO

> <snip />A little bit of thought put
> into optimization would probably solve the overhead issue. For example,
> use pre-computed bitmaps instead of that astoundingly inefficient
> SVG-based algorithm. Also verify that the available hardware is being
> used effectively.
This may be an area where the interests of Sugar & Sugar on a Stick may
diverge. Sugar on the XO-1 has a determined size. Bitmaps will be fine.
Sugar on a Stick requires vector-based images, because we don't know what
screen size we'll encounter. My experience with the GCompris applications in
SoaS is that all of the controls are horribly rendered. It comes across as
unprofessional, especially when introducing Sugar to teachers & parents.
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