Hi Walter,

On 11 Nov 2009, at 17:42, Walter Bender wrote:

I just posted another version (no undo) and I think more clarity as to
what is going on... You can click the < > buttons or the small XOs.

Yes, fab, that's much clearer, even for a static view.

Here's a quick mockup at keeping the large buddy icon central so it matches the usual zoom presentation of your buddy icon:

<<inline: layout_tweak.png>>



On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Gary C Martin <g...@garycmartin.com> wrote:
Hi Walter,

On 11 Nov 2009, at 15:48, Walter Bender wrote:

I made a patch to the color selector on the About Me panel to make it a little easier to navigate the color selections. Please see my screen cast at http://dailymotion.virgilio.it/video/xb42um_color-selector_tech .

I needed to watch through a number of times before I could work out the logic for the colours of the two smaller buddy icons. First couple of times through I thought one was a swapped fill/stroke, and the other was a 'light' version, then third time through I decided they must all just be random, finally I twigged that it was a scrolling history moving from right to left
(small <-- big <-- small).

Quick thoughts:

- What you have now would be visually understandable after a single click if you added a brief transition animation so that the icons scroll left/right
and resize (like a carousel).

- Not convinced you need the undo icon if you can add the transition
animation, it feels slightly odd at the moment that the undo is right next to the yet too be seen new colour combination (perhaps it could go above or
below the centre icon if it really needs to stay in the design).

- The alternative is to have N small buddy icons around the central large icon, where the small icons are a close variation of the central large icon colours. Clicking the centre icon picks a completely new random base set of colours; clicking any small icon moves it to the centre large position, and generates a new set of small variants. The colour variants could just be +/- small random steps from the main base colours, or have some spacial meaning (left/right could be +/- fill colour, up/down could be +/- stroke colour).


Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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