Hi Walter,

On 7 Dec 2009, at 17:52, Walter Bender wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Gary C Martin <g...@garycmartin.com> wrote:
>> Hi Walter/Simon,
>> On 7 Dec 2009, at 10:37, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>>> On 12/06/2009 11:05 PM, Walter Bender wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Simon Schampijer<si...@schampijer.de>  
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> A few questions:
>>>>> - in the Feature page you mention the 'random selector', is this option
>>>>> still available in the latest design?
>>>> This is still in the new design in that I didn't remove it from the
>>>> code. (If you click on the central XO icon, you get a random color as
>>>> before.) It is a decision I leave to the design team.
>>> Ok. Maybe the design team want to comment if they think that the random
>>> functionality is a good one to have.
>> Sorry, not quite following the 'random functionality' comment. Just to 
>> check, my understanding that 'forwards' and 'backwards' are hooked up to 
>> change a seed value used for a random calculation of the fill/stroke colour 
>> choices (an almost infinitely large carousel of random choices, left or 
>> right). Where the buttons act something like the below image to maintain the 
>> current behaviour where clicking the large Xo icon still progresses forward:
>> Regards,
>> --Gary
> Just to bring clarity to what I have implemented so far:
> (1) clicking on the left xo icon or the < icon causes the color pair
> to cycle to the "previous" color pair in the list of colors found in
> xocolor.py
> (2) clicking on the right xo icon or the > icon causes the color pair
> to cycle to the "next" color pair in the list of colors found in
> xocolor.py
> (3) clicking on the large xo icon causes a random color pair to be
> selected from the list in xocolor.py and resets the index used in #1
> and #2. (Essentially the same as the present behavior).
> There is also a "hidden" button (a temporary kludge) to undo (useful
> for undoing the random selection). The intention is to associate a key
> (Ctrl-z) to the undo function.

Ahhhh... Hmmm. Now, for me I think that implementation would be rather an 
unexpected/confusing behaviour, click the large XO and the little ones would 
seem to randomly change as well. Now I understand why the videos you posted 
caused me some confusion (I was expecting 3 colour choices in the xo < XO > xo 
to always scroll left or right). Do you have a clone somewhere on 
git.sugarlabs.org I can look at?

As per previous button mockup image, marching through a random set, left or 
right, would seem to provide the existing behaviour, plus the equivalent of an 
undo, and a mini-me preview for what would be next/before undo.

Sorry for the confusion.

> Of course, you can still back out of the whole thing by canceling the
> changes in the manner currently supported: hitting x instead of ✓ on
> the panel.
> Comments on the above:
> (a) The order of the colors in xocolor.py is reason to cycle through.
> If you get a close approximation from random, you can fine-tune your
> selection by searching through adjacent colors.

But only fine tune in 1 dimension? Would have to scroll a long way to see a 
change in the other fill/stroke colour.

> (b) I don't know how to get icons that can both be recolored and use
> accelerator keys, hence the kludge above. For accessibility purposes,
> it would be nice to add short-cuts to all the buttons in the control
> panel.
> (c) Gary, I tried the stacked icons vs running them in a row. The
> stacked icons didn't do it for me (or Eben, as I recall). The current
> configuration is xo < XO > xo.

OK, sorry missed that. FWIW, I think my main objection was that for the control 
panel positioning case, the XO was no longer central, being off centre to the 
right. I guess this could be easily fixed by moving the xo < XO > xo widgets 
down below the grey text "Click to change your color:" so the text does no 
longer pushes the widgets off to the right.


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