El Sun, 04-07-2010 a las 02:29 +0100, Gary Martin escribió:

> > Also, I don't know if I have the permission to change resolution
> > status when something hasn't been touched for 12+ months. If I were
> > to change status on likely candidates, would this anger the other
> > developers?
> I know it's sensitive, for us slightly more delicate souls, but if you
> feel strongly about a bug status... I'd say go for its change of
> status. It will trigger either action/indifference from genuinely
>  interested parties, possibly patches/discussion, action, and glory ;)
Yes, I would encourage users to apply the Be Bold mantra [1] to the bug
tracker as well as the wiki. If in doubt, go ahead and change. If you
were wrong, someone will revert your change.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Be_bold

> It seems fair to say there is some level of (completely
> understandable) analysis paralysis for some level of bugs. Bug triage
> activity is at a low at the moment. Don't apologise for bringing that
> task back up in everyones focus/face.

Low? Not really:


   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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