Excerpts from Bernie Innocenti's message of Thu Sep 02 19:27:59 +0200 2010:

> Compiling this module frequently breaks, resulting in difficulties for
> novice developers and waste of time for everyone else.

The only reason I still haven't removed GConf-dbus is that I lack
patches for the _documentation_, not the code.
We explain how to use SUGAR_PROFILE to run multiple instances of Sugar
in parallel, but not how to do the same using multiple OS-level user

As soon as somebody updates the wiki with a good HowTo, I will kick
GConf-dbus out of sugar-jhbuild with *delight*. :)

In general any help with removing packages from sugar-jhbuild is
welcome. A good starting point would be to create backports of the very
latest Telepathy packages for the supported distros.



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