Excerpts from Samuel Klein's message of Mon Sep 06 02:24:28 +0200 2010:

> Supporting user accounts is not a novel mechanism, and probably
> sufficient, but doing it in a Sugar-like way would still benefit from
> child-focused design and input.

While a display manager similar in (graphical) design to Sugar might be
done by a member of Sugar Labs, it's still entirely separate from the
software component Sugar.

> > 2. If the Peru government wants Sugar to adapt to being used by multiple
> >   users (in what way exactly?), let _them_ do the work.
> The question of the right way to support multiple users on a single
> Sugar instance (usb key, computer) is separate from "who will do the
> work".

Which is why I said those are orthogonal reasons.

> I had similar experiences, though they were well used by a few
> students.  I'd like to hear more details about what Peru is planning -
> which sounds more like a fixed group sharing a computer than that sort
> of traditional 'lab'.

+1 on hearing more details before trying to reinvent the wheel.



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