On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 02:15:47PM +0200, tom.staub...@fhtw-berlin.de wrote:
> The behavior was not connected to a single activity as I encountered
> it in Record, TamTamJam and Etoys. It was not intentionally
> reproducible but it happened quite often. Most of the time none of the
> instances got started properly. Record for example looked quite ok,
> but did not display a camera image.  One of the icons in the frame
> kept pulsing and the instances could not be stopped. The XO had to be
> restarted. This happened on at least three different XO-1s all running
> Build 852, Sugar 0.84.16. 

This sounds like http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/10016 also recorded as
http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1719 for which a patch is available.

Could you please try the patch?  You can find it in #10016.

James Cameron
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