Hi Sascha,

On 30 Jan 2011, at 12:10, Sascha Silbe <sascha-ml-reply-to-201...@silbe.org> 

> Excerpts from Gary Martin's message of Sat Jan 29 16:09:43 +0100 2011:
>>> I don't have an XO laptops but I do have a VirtualBox Fedora and Ubuntu VMs 
>>> running sugarlabs. What do you use as a Python editor- I was hoping to use 
>>> eclipse but I have used a basic introduction to VIM in my classes so it can 
>>> be anything. I played around in the SugarLabs Pippy editor but I was hoping 
>>> that I could write another machine and import.
>> The first things I usually yum install to a new Sugar image are vim and git, 
>> that way I can git clone an Activity repository into the ~/Activities 
>> directory, tinker with it using vim, and easily git commit and git push 
>> changes back to the main repository after testing. If I'm going to be making 
>> large source changes or starting something new I'll often just work on my 
>> Mac using Xcode (my source editor of choice) and scp the Activity directory 
>> over to various Sugar builds for testing.
> FWIW, I'm increasingly using sshfs to hack on code that's inside a VM.
> sshfs allows you to "mount" a "remote" file system that's accessible via
> ssh/sftp and access it as if it were a "local" file system.

Thanks for the hint! Sounds like a nice improvement to my usual work flow :-) 
I'll make sure to give it a run through.


> That way you
> can use all the editing / VCS / whatever tools you're used to, without
> having to install them inside the VM. Because the tools are running on
> your "real" machine, they work as usual - including things like
> copy&paste across applications (which requires special "guest additions"
> in VirtualBox and doesn't work at all in KVM).
> IIRC I've successfully used a special port of sshfs on MacOS X some time
> ago. There are also tools for Windows that seem to provide something
> similar, but I haven't tried them myself.
> Sascha
> -- 
> http://sascha.silbe.org/
> http://www.infra-silbe.de/
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