I have 3 questions:

1) Is the move to python 3 in your plans too? (I don't know if is included
in F15)
but if we need to break compatibility will be good break it one time.

2) Sugar theme: with the change to GTK3 we will need rewrite the Sugar
theme, right?
I think GTK3 use only cairo to draw the widgets, I don't know how is our
theme working,
and I don't know who can do this work.

3) I am not sure about the timing to do this work. I would be more
comfortable if we start
a planning period now, and start coding after 11.3.0 release.


On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Daniel Drake <d...@laptop.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 6:07 PM, Daniel Drake <d...@laptop.org> wrote:
> > So, discuss! :)
> > http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/GTK3
> >
> > Comments, agreement, and hate mail much appreciated - I'll refine the
> > above page based on the discussion that follows.
> No comments yet.
> Here are the main questions that (IMO) need discussion:
> 1. Do we use the python module table magic so that both GTK2 and GTK3
> versions of sugar toolkit can have the name "sugar", or do we give the
> GTK3 version a new name (e.g. sugar1)?
> 2. Are people happy with labelling components with version number 1.0
> once they have a stable GTK3 port? The 1.0 tag was generally agreed
> upon when this was last discussed a while back, but it would be good
> to verify current opinion.
> 3. I'm toying with the idea of coordinating a hackfest for this at, or
> immediately after, Sugarcamp Paris next month. The result would be
> that sugar-toolkit-1.0 gets released at the end of the hackfest,
> including GTK2 and GTK3 support. What do people think about that?
> 4. Is a one year transition period OK? This would start when a GTK3
> port of sugar-toolkit is declared stable and working, would freeze the
> GTK2 version of sugar-toolkit, and then after 1 year the GTK2 version
> would be deleted.
> 4. Are there unanswered questions or considerations that I've missed?
> Daniel
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