Simon also complained about how is implemented the change of mode to
Have the Design Team any other idea?


On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 8:05 AM, Simon Schampijer <>wrote:

> On 09/08/2011 12:21 PM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
>> Hmm, how do I create a new game from scratch? I seem to be only able to
>> edit an existing game.
>>> Simon
>> The user can clean up the actual game to start a new one.
>> May be is not very obvious :(
> Well it is obvious that I can do that...but I think there should be a
> dedicated way of creating something from scratch :)
>  One problem I have with adding a "New Game" button, is what icon use.
>> We have the Memorize icon in the activity toolbar, the icon with the
>> sparkle
>> to restart the game,
>> the icon with the cog to edit, and I don't have another idea.
>> Any suggestion?
> I am sure our first class designers will come up with some buttons that do
> cover all those cases (e.g. maybe restart the game can be inspired by some
> media-control icon).
> Regards,
>   Simon
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