Thanks for looking at this.
A big +10 from my part.
Please add get_books.po to Honey, is included by defaullt in all our images


On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Chris Leonard <>wrote:

> On Pootle, the Honey project has now grown to contain 68 Activities
> (totalling 16,310 words in 6,442 strings) in 102 languages.
> I would like to discuss breaking breaking Honey into at least two
> sections.  There are several reasons this would be desirable.
> 1) Refreshing each of these 102 languages from templates whenever any
> Honey activity has a string change places a considerable burden on the
> server resources and, in particular, on my time.  They cannot be fired
> off all at once as it is a drain on system resources and with some
> frequency, a refresh will simply fail part of the way through,
> requiring multiple passes to assure that all languages are updated to
> their full complement of strings.  This has become fairly
> time-consuming manual maintenance process.
> 1) It would be desirable to gently focus L10n effort on the most used,
> most valued, most downloaded, most educational, most (insert your
> favorite adjective here) Activities first, before moving on to
> Activities that although it is very much appreciated that the
> developer has taken care to build in i18n, will just not have the same
> impact in the classroom as some other activity.  No offense meant, but
> kids will use the Record activity long before they are looking for a
> python debugger, both are important and valued, but I think it is
> simply realistic to accept that one may have a higher a priority in a
> localizer's workflow, given the limited L10n resources present in some
> of our more exotic languages and the fact that we are adding new
> languages all the time that are targeting specific deployment needs.
> Walter and I touched base on this briefly and he has taken a first
> rough pass at his thinking on the subject.
> No need to keep the discussion of the wiki page, the mailing list is
> fine, but the proposal needed to be hung somewhere for viewing.
> Walter split the existing Honey into Honey and 'Maple Syrup" projects,
> I am agnostic with respect to the nomenclature and do not want to
> paint that particular bikeshed myself.  I would raise the possibility
> that perhaps one or two Honey Activities might have earned graduation
> to Fructose, but again, I have no strong feelings on that.  I am
> really focused on the pragmatic issues of Pootle maintenance and L10n
> prioritization without wishing to ruffle the feathers of any Activity
> developers.
> Please provide any feedback, positive or otherwise so we can begin to
> move to address the practical problems that exists in a manner
> consistent with our commitment to openly discuss any such issues in a
> productive manner.
> Warmest Regards,
> cjl
> Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
> P.S. While Etoys is also large, it only updates it's POT infrequently
> and it all happens at once, so it does not present an issue comparable
> to Honey's high rate of change on individual elements.
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