Hi Ajay,

On 4 Aug 2012, at 10:21, Ajay Garg <a...@activitycentral.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 8:53 PM, Ajay Garg <a...@activitycentral.com> wrote:
> Thanks a ton Gary.
> This is REALLY useful :)

Fab :)

> Please find the comments inline.
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 6:29 PM, Gary Martin <garycmar...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Ajay/Anish,
> On 18 Jul 2012, at 11:57, Anish Mangal <an...@activitycentral.com> wrote:
> > I would like to propose the long-discussed-finally-implemented ;-)
> > journal entry batch operation and multi selection feature for
> > inclusion in sugar-0.98. All the necessary and relevant details should
> > be present in the associated feature page:
> >
> > http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Multi_selection_screenshots
> >
> > AFAIK, This feature was initially brought up in discussions in EDUJam
> > in 2011 and an initial implementation was made by Martin Abente. The
> > current implementation, done by Ajay, has been derived from that
> > keeping the UI experience largely the same while significantly
> > speeding up operations like select/deselect.
> >
> > Should you have any design related questions about this, feel free to
> > reply to this thread.
> At last Tuesday's design meeting we didn't make it back around to this agenda 
> item, so here's my feedback/notes after testing the DX3 image with the new 
> rpms:
> - FIXED. Once in multi-select mode, the favourite stars no longer visibly 
> updates, though changes update later once multi-select mode is exited.
> Great !!
> - FIXED. Auto deselection after batch operation.
> Great !!
> - UNRESOLVED BUG. Tick-box slow/erratic behaviour in dx3ng143 with latest rpm 
> fixes image on XO1, still needs mouse movement to redraw. This is also an 
> issue when using the "Select all" toobar button, as the list view tick-boxes 
> do not update until after the "Select all. You have selected N entries. (Ok)" 
> dialogue is clicked.
> Yep.. this is becoming a real pain.
> I have tried the solutions listed at 
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2012-July/038626.html, but 
> none seem to work :-\
> Anyways, I am still trying ..
> [Ajay ACTION 1] : Fix this.
> - NEW BUG. Renaming an entry while in multi-select mode does not display the 
> name change, only updates the name displayed after multi-select mode is 
> exited.
> Thanks. Reproduced the bug at my side.
> [Ajay ACTION 2] : Will fix.
> - NEW BUG. If you rename while in multi-select and then try to copy, the 
> entry can't be copied and raises an error "Entries without a filename cannot 
> be copied."
> Hmm.. I think this is a false-negative.
> I tried the following ::
>               * Entered "multi-select" mode.
>               * Selected an entry (by ticking the check-box).
>               * Re-named the entry (however, the rename was not immediately 
> visible, due to the above bug).
>               * Copied the entry to "Documents".
>               * Exited "multi-select" mode.
>               * Clicked "Documents" icon.
>               * The entry (WITH THE MODIFIED NAME) was present.
> I guess the error message "Entries without a file cannot be copied" occurred 
> on an entry, that would have anyways given this message, even if you hadn't 
> renamed the entry.
> [Gary ACTION 1] : Please let me know if you still face the error :)

OK, sorry I must have missed an extra step (I can't reproduce this just now). 
Will email you if I can find a reliable way to reproduce it.

However, I seem to have found a more nasty bug, while trying to test... Switch 
to the Journal Documents view; select an item; rename the selected item; the 
selected item will be deselected – though you'll still be in multi-select mode 
(but with nothing selected); click the toolbar button Select none; Journal will 
now be in a bad/unusable state, spinning busy cursor, can't escape multi select 
mode, shell log shows tracebacks IOError: Couldn't open metadata directory. I 
needed to restart Sugar to get back to normal. I'll post some shell logs in a 
separate email to you.

> - UNRESOLVED DESIGN QUESTION. Should filters continue to work once in 
> multi-select mode e.g: Filter for star favourite items in Journal; multi 
> select all stared items; un-favourite some entries while in multi-select 
> mode. Should they be removed from the multi-select view, or stay? Currently 
> they stay, but this causes a visual 'jump' when exiting multi-select mode as 
> the initial filter is re-applied to the view. Same issue if filtering the 
> Journal by title, and you rename some entries while in multi-select mode.
> Well, I would say not to effect the change during multi-select mode, because 
> of the following reasons ::
>               * Currently, the code is tightly bound to having the "current" 
> listmodel entries in the cache. 
>                 A re-fresh, would cause the cached entries to be 
> re-distributed, requiring a very major code change.
>               * The original motive of "allowing" the user to set/unset 
> favorite status, and rename entry, is to help the user do the processing on 
> the entry,
>                 as she selects the entry. So, I guess it would be ok to 
> effect the filters of these "secondary" features, AFTER the original action 
> (copy, 
>                 erase) is completed, and "multi-select" mode exited.
> [Gary ACTION 2] : Anyhow, please let me know if you think otherwise :)
> - FEEDBACK. In multi-select mode the toolbar button string 'Select none' 
> would be better renamed as 'Deselect all'.
> Ok.
> [Ajay ACTION 3] : Will fix.
> - TESTING. A loaded Journal with ~100 items, and a USB stick with 900+ items 
> was tested. Selecting individual items one by one is reasonable (ignoring the 
> above unresolved redraw/event bug). Batch selecting, deselecting, erasing 
> operations are pretty quick (batch feedback progress is helpful especially 
> for the 900+ item case). Batch copying is the slowest operation (as to be 
> expected), feedback progress here is essential for even a few items.
> [Gary ACTION 3] : Ok, so we show the progress for all = "Select", "Deselect", 
> "Copy", "Erase", right?

Yes, but in the primary title bar as a text widget.

> - FEEDBACK. In the primary multi-select toolbar, add a separator and text 
> widget to show how many items are selected, and how many are in the current 
> multi-select view e.g. "Selected 3 of 123" so the current multi-select state 
> is always visible to the user. This same widget can be used for progress 
> feedback during batch operations e.g. "Copying 9 of 22: <title>", "Erasing 3 
> of 15: <title>", "Deselecting 5 of 17". This removes the need for all 
> progress alerts during batch operations, see below.
> Gary, please clarify a bit more.
> For eg, if a user wishes to do batch-copy on 15 entries (out of 97 entries), 
> so would the snapshots be like ::
> <First row of text widget>      Selected 15 of 97
> <Second row of text widget>  Copying 1 of 15 <title>
> <First row of text widget>      Selected 15 of 97
> <Second row of text widget>  Copying 2 of 15 <title>
> <First row of text widget>      Selected 15 of 97
> <Second row of text widget>  Copying 3 of 15 <title>
> <First row of text widget>      Selected 15 of 97
> <Second row of text widget>  Copying 4 of 15 <title>
> ..
> ..
> ..
> ..
> <First row of text widget>      Selected 15 of 97
> <Second row of text widget>  Copying 14 of 15 <title>
> <First row of text widget>      Selected 15 of 97
> <Second row of text widget>  Copying 15 of 15 <title>
> <First row of text widget>  Copying 1 of 15 <title>
> <First row of text widget>  Copying 2 of 15 <title>
> <First row of text widget>  Copying 3 of 15 <title>
> <First row of text widget>  Copying 4 of 15 <title>
> ..
> ..
> ..
> ..
>  <First row of text widget>  Copying 14 of 15 <title>
>  <First row of text widget>  Copying 15 of 15 <title>
> [Gary ACTION 4] : Please clarify.
> I think I understood what is required.
> * The widget is supposed to display only one line, at ANY time.
> * Usually, while in "multi-select" mode, it will display "<x> of 97 
> selected", where "x" is the number of entries currently selected.
>   Here, as we select/deselect by single-click, or "select all" / "deselect 
> all" button,  the update happens consequently.
>   So, as is obvious, this modification helps show the number of selected 
> entries, even when entries are selected/deselected one at a time
>   (previously, the status was shown, only when "select all" or "deselect all" 
> was done).
> * During batch-copy, or batch-erase, this widget shows the running status of 
> the entry currently being processed.
> * This seems to be a sleeker design, as it does do away with showing the 
> running status as an alert.
>   After all, alerts are meant to convey a potentially major action ..
> So,  modified action for Gary :D  ::
>           [Gary ACTION 4] : Please confirm, as to if my understanding is 
> correct.

Yes, that's it! :)


> Sorry for the inconvenience.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Ajay
> - FEEDBACK. {confirmation_before, progress, confirmation_after}
>     ... select_none {N, N, N}
>     ... select_all {N, N, N}
>     ... erase {Y, N, N}
>     ... copying {Y, N, N}
> Ok. Got it :)
> [Ajay ACTION 4] : Will make the changes.
> - FEEDBACK. We should allow a user to abort a batch operation when an error 
> occurs. Use cases, encountering many errors during a batch operation when a 
> volume runs out of space, or becomes unavailable. One solution on other 
> platforms is a check box for in the error dialogues "[√] Apply to all" (to 
> ignore future errors of this type during this batch process), and/or an 
> additional button "Stop". I'd suggest our batch operation errors dialogues 
> add a "Stop" button to allow aborting the batch process, and that the current 
> "Ok" button is renamed "Continue" to be more clear.
> Ok.
> So,
>                     * [Ajay ACTION 5] : We add a "Stop" button, which occurs 
> on any error alert message. 
>                        If the user clicks the "Stop" button, the 
> batch-operations ends there ans then.
>                     * [Ajay ACTION 6] : "Ok" button will be renamed to 
> "Continue" button.
> - UNRESOLVED DESIGN QUESTION. Do we want to allow a user to abort a batch 
> operation while it is in progress? Use case, copying/erasing many items over 
> a slow network, or usb device, and deciding if it is not worth the wait. I 
> think, for now, we can avoid this extra UI work as the batch features do 
> provide the option to cancel before they begin. We should revisit this if it 
> turns out to be a frustration for users. The UI design would likely be to add 
> the cancel icon (X) to the primary toolbar while a batch operation is in 
> progress.
> +1.
> Anish too had suggested the same, but then we forfeited the idea, as this 
> would make this (unnecessarily?) complex.
> Anyways, in-field experiences are the real teachers :D :D
> Regards,
> --Gary
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> Gary, waiting for your responses :)
> Thanks again.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Ajay
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