Hi Chris,

On 23 Aug 2012, at 19:45, Chris Leonard <cjlhomeaddr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Gary Martin
> <garycmar...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> I like the most recent version well enough,
>>> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:Maliit_Sugar_theme_work_13.png
>> High praise ;) Improvements/changes?
> Sorry, I did not mean to "damn with faint praise", it is really good
> work under very tight restrictions.  I personally find the XO physical
> kb limiting, so I bought a rollable rubber USB kb :-)
> I am sincerely excited about the potential for an OSK in the realm of
> limitless i18n/L10n freed from the shackles of silkscreening.
>>> I'm a little concerned that the absence of the
>>> Home/Friends/Neighborhood/World quartet of XO specific keys will be
>>> missed, but I understand that it is tough to collapse 6 rows of XO
>>> keys into 4 rows for Maliit.
>> Yes space is at a premium using an OSK [1], however as the OSK is only 
>> visible when a text input widget has focus, we need to make sure 
>> Neighborhood/Group/Home/Activity/Journal are accessible at all other times 
>> as well, primarily by improving touch access to the Frame (and improving 
>> Frame discovery, though unlikely for this cycle).
> Yes, the ergonomics of frame invocation/dismissal and switching focus
> from kb to other touch input needs deep thought, but I have confidence
> in the people smarter in UI design than I am that will be working on
> it. :-).  I don't expect it to be tuned to re-training fossils like
> me, but at the agile minds and fingers of kids.
>>> I've got lots of other questions, but they are more i18n related, so
>>> I'll forego inserting them into this design thread,
>> No, bring them up here if they are OSK related!
> Ok, you asked for it :-)
>>> Is there currently a mechanism for re-creating the many xkb-based
>>> layouts already designed for OLPC that never got silkscreened?
>>> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Keyboard_layouts
>> No, those are physical layouts not designed for OSK. There about 40 existing 
>> maliit layouts that I'll update to match our OSK design modifications. And 
>> then I'd imagine we will want to closely check the OSK layouts for the 
>> languages we prioritise, and make sure they cover our needs (the existing 
>> OLPC layouts will be a useful reference).
> Getting the existing OLPC xkb designs recreated is going to be pretty
> important once the existing Maliit layouts are adapted.  It's also
> going to be a repetitive task (see attached spreadsheet), I'm
> wondering if there are hackerish methods for assisting in that task
> (scripts, spreadsheet templates, etc.)?  Even the list of OLPC xkb
> layouts in my spreadsheet is incomplete, for example, I know of a
> layout for an Inuktitut variant that Walter helped some Canadians
> design.
> Generating some local documentation on de novo Maliit keyboard design
> is going to pretty important as I can easily imagine getting asked a
> lot of questions about this that can no longer be put off with, "well,
> first you make a silkscreen in a factory in China. . . "
> I'd love to be able to do more for new languages than say go look at
> https://wiki.maliit.org/Documentation and let me know when you've
> figured out their process.  Sugar Labs is, by it's nature, an entry
> point for languages under-represented in ICT and we already do a lot
> of stuff (like glibc locale design assistance) in support of  these
> language communities.
> Language switching:
> So, with the "language switch key" you can toggle through a stack of
> keyboards that you've configured in the Control Panel (in advance).
> All by itself, that would be awesome and really enhance multilingual /
> multi-script input.
> This more-or-less implements the Language key already found on Arabic
> and Thai OLPC keyboards, but does so for all keyboards.
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Keyboard#Special_Keys
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Arabic_Keyboard
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/File:Key_arabic.jpg
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Thai_Keyboard
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/File:Key_thai.jpg
> This also seems to be necessary, but not sufficient, for the utopian
> ideal of toggling through UI languages / glibc locales on-the-fly
> (without going to Control Panel and rebooting).  How far away is such
> a promised land once we have keyboard switching?

FWIW, I've added the output to the discussion page from Maliit listing the 
language files in a little more detail. I'll put up screenshots of the layouts 
once I'm a little further along with the style/layout changes (I need to do 
this as part of my layout change testing anyway):



> cjl
> <OLPC_kbs.ods>

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