
Now that I have seen Walter's latest e-mail I have a better understanding
of what the Google code-in involves.  I would definitely like to get
involved in this.  My Sugar coding skills are a bit rusty, and some things
I may not be much help with.  For instance, the PyGame examples in the book
all use sugargame, so I have no experience with olpcgames and converting
from it.  I don't know from touch or accelerometer either.  My XO-1 and my
development boxes have neither.  I have a box that runs  Fedora 15 but the
Sugar supplied with that doesn't break any of my own Activities so I have
to assume that it doesn't use Python 3 or GTK3+.  This means I'll need to
install the latest sugar-jhbuild, etc.  So I'm not exactly ready to dive
into all this, but I'll do what I can.

James Simmons

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Chris Leonard <>wrote:

> Dear James,
> I am contacting you about two distinct points of Sugar Labs business.
> 1) Google Code-In task
> Would you please consider writing up and mentoring a task under the
> Documentation section of our task list (perhaps creating a separate
> wiki page linked from the task list) having to do with updating your
> book "Making Your Own Sugar Activities" to include new information
> about the world of GTK3+, olpcgames > sugargames switch, and other
> "new bits" related to Sugar activity development (e.g. touch,
> accelerometer, etc.).  The idea would be to describe the task(s) well
> enough that a 13-17 year old Google Code in Participant could go
> through and propose new or modified sections (for which you would act
> as "editor-in-chief" determining inclusion.  Feel free to break the
> task up into multiple tasks (e.g .by chapters or however you see fit).
> 2)  You are aware that Sugar Labs is a member proejct of the Software
> Freedom Conservancy and that we derive our 501(c)3 status from that
> relationship as well as many other benefits with regards to
> fundraising and legal administrivia.
> A new benefit that the SFC has offered offered to member projects is
> the opportunity to link certain books listed on Amazon under the
> Amazon affiliates program.  I'm guessing this involves getting a
> specially formed link that gives Sugar Labs credit for a click-through
> that results in the sale of said book, the end result being Sugar Labs
> getting a donation from Amazon on each sale driven through such an
> affiliate link.
> The SLOBs and SFC would like to ask your permission to include the
> Amazon listing of "Make Your Own Sugar Activities" in that program,
> and we would obviously share the special link created with you to use
> to link Amazon purchases to "click-through" donation credits to Sugar
> Labs via our accounts held by SFC.  We would most likely be creating a
> special wiki page promoting those books included in the affiliate
> program for Sugar labs, which would also include Walter's book:
> and others that we may include as we come to better understand the
> rules about only listing books that have a specific affiliation with
> the work of the project (e.g. we could not use random NYT
> best-sellers).
> I know you give the book away and created the Amazon entry primarily
> for visibility.  We would not ask you to make any changes in how you
> promote access to your book (other than replacing any Amazon links you
> provide with the special affiliate click through version).
> The work you have done in creating this book is in itself a great
> donation to Sugar Labs, I do hope you will agree to leveraging it
> further for whatever additional financial benefit the affiliate
> linkage might provide from purchases via Amazon.
> Warmest Regards,
> cjl
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