On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 8:48 PM, badday <badda...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> first of all, this is my first post to this mailing list, so a warm
> welcome to everybody.
> I am currently working in an NGO in India and want to use Sugar as a tool
> of education. Therefore I bought a low-cost tablet, rooted it and installed
> Fedora ARM in a chroot environment together with Sugar. Now all that works
> and via VNC I have the graphical interface running smoothly including all
> activities (at least I did not find any not working). If there is a general
> interest in this project, I will post a detailed way to do that.
> However, the reason I started to get some interest in this project was an
> article on MIT Technology Review ( http://www.technologyreview.**
> com/news/506466/given-tablets-**but-no-teachers-ethiopian-**
> children-teach-themselves/<http://www.technologyreview.com/news/506466/given-tablets-but-no-teachers-ethiopian-children-teach-themselves/>)
>  describing the great success of using tablets in Ethiopia.
> I now face some struggle where to find all the software and material used
> in that project as in the sugar labs activity website I can hardly find
> what I was looking for. It would also be nice if somebody could tell me
> about the localization process regarding Hindi as I could not find too much
> on the web about it.
> Thank you all very much.
We are on a similar mission and we are also in India.  Can you tell us
which tablet (hw specs) did you try this on? We are based in Mumbai.  It
will be nice if we can meet and hack together.

some updates on our work can be found from the following link

Nagarjuna G.
Sugar-devel mailing list

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