On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 10:18 AM, badday <badda...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> It would also be nice if somebody could tell me about the
> localization process regarding Hindi as I could not find too much on the web
> about it.

Assuming you are interested in localizing the Sugar UI and activities,
or related educational software like eToys (for which we provide L10n
hosting services), then you can find further information on the Sugar
Labs wiki at:


Our Translation Team coordinates it's efforts via the L10n e-mail list:


and we perform our work on this Pootle instance:

Specifically for Hindi:

New localizers are certainly welcome, unfortunately, whereas we
traditionally allowed self-sign up, a number of forum-spamming robots
began registering (and activating) dozens of user accounts each day
(defeating the confirmation e-mail process).

For this reason, we had to return to a manual registration process.
Simply send me the preferred username and e-mail address of any users
that want to register and I will take care of manually creating and
activating their accounts.

Sugar Labs Translation Team Coordinator
Sugar-devel mailing list

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