El 06/11/13 00:40, Yioryos Asprobounitis escribió:
Looking at the archives of this list you can find several cases (some recent)
of "non-conforming" contributors that are not contributing anymore, supporting 
"high conformity" hypothesis.
I too feel the overall attitude within this list has been dismissive of
non-conforming ideas and individuals, sometimes bluntly. The spanish
speakers, from Xavi who did so much translation, to Homunq who
started (and abandoned) Develop Activity, to Yama whose ideals always
seemed to clash with reality, I miss them. I myself have been often
frustrated, having retreated biting my tongue more than once.

It makes me think of the eastern spiritual ideal of speaking only when
necessary, and then only the truth, and then only with sweet words.

Probably we have all broken that ideal here, and it is not clear how to
facilitate constructive non-conformism.

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