Daniel recently started a related thread called Tech Roadmap and Sean
started a marketing thread related  to naming. To reduce confusion I
thought that it might be valuable to take a step back and look at an
overall Sugar Labs Roadmap.

After reviewing the various threads over the last couple of days it
seemed that one of the sources of communication has been the 'level'
of communication. IE Ecosystem strategy, deployment/organizational
strategy, or technical implementation. This has resulted in people,
including me, talking past each other rather than to each other.

As the ecosystem adopts to the reduced roll of the Association, at
least on the laptop side of the project, this might be a good time to
re-evaluate the role of Sugar Labs and it's relationships. The three
immediate questions appear to be:
1. What is the future availability of XO hardware? What are the
alternatives? What hardware choices are deployments going to make for
their next and future rounds of purchasing.
2. How effectively does Sugar run on the available hardware options?
What will it take to bring Sugar up to a deployment level quality on
this hardware?
3. What resources are required to make this happen?

In general there seem to be three branches of this decision tree. XOs,
commodity laptops and tablets.

After considering the hardware issue, a second round of questions is
how do we get there? This implies a balance between supporting
existing deployments and the R&D necessary to make the next step

This balance question implies gathering knowledge of existing
deployments and their needs.

This level of strategy might seem rather hand-wavy or business like :(
But, it is helpful for everyone to have an understanding of were the
project is going, how we are planning on getting there, and how one's
own interest and abilities can add value.

David Farning
Activity Central: http://www.activitycentral.com
Sugar-devel mailing list

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