El 08/11/13 19:19, Daniel Narvaez escribió:
I wonder if we should try to get some classmates in the hands of Sugar Labs community members. It seems like the most solid hardware option we have for deployments at the moment.
Classmates are pretty solid. I've got a couple of them from 2010. It's basically a low end Atom class netbook. Let me know if you need me to test anything. I'm intrigued by your Archlinux work, btw, these could be nice targets for it.

FYI Venezuela gave one to each primary school child and Argentina has I think about a couple of million of them.

My 2yr old daughter loves to use Doudoulinux on the classmates, and has I think more fun than with Sugar.
Ref: http://www.doudoulinux.org

This brings me to a proposal to put in the Sugar roadmap: *
    100% compatibility with regular linux apps.*
To me that means appropiate ways to:
* Launch/favorite from home view
* Have correct Frame Icon (not grey ball).

* Nice to haves:
    * notification area
    * proper unobstrusive but readable libnotify support
    * find created documents / files.
    * missing standard icons, with sugar look and feel

The rationale is it would open up a bunch of content and apps unavailable to us for no good reason, as seen in Doudoulinux for young children and other stuff for older ones, such as Celestia, etc.

Also, having this, would turn me into a user, and I believe in dogfooding. I used 0.94 for a long time,
but reverted to XFCE.

I have not created a feature page because I can't commit the time to implementing it myself.

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