On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Walter Bender <walter.ben...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 5:33 AM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Top posting again, sorry.
>> - Future availability of the XO
>> From my perspective I don't see alternatives to a wait and see approach.
>> Maybe someone more into OLPC things does though...
>> - Hardware alternatives
>> A few good options was brought in the other threads, a couple for
>> deployments
>> * Classmate
> Classmate and Classmate variants are already quick wide spread in some
> deployments, e.g., Argentina
>> * Chromebook
> At least one deployment is looking at this option.

Another option that while not perfect at the moment is some of the new
x86 ‘Bay Trail’ based Windows tablets such as the Dell Venue 8 Pro or
similar models from other manufacturers. The linux experience on them
at the moment is far from great but I don't believe it'll be long
before they're quite usable for people that wish to use sugar via

>> Another couple more for community evaluation (evaluation, testing,
>> marketing)
>> * Linux compatible ARM boards
>> * Virtualbox
> SoaS is our current offering for Virtualbox (As you pointed out in a
> previous thread, it is a two-step process to install. In my
> experience, that is 1 too many for our audience. Something we may be
> able to address by approaching some of the VM suppliers.)

The virtual box image, which isn't supported by me, is a terrible
experience. It's almost impossible to support well and with a single
click this form of deployment. Unfortunately this method of deployment
is far from straight forward for the average end user without
technical assistance.

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