Here are the keys that activites still use from GConf:
org.sugarlabs.speech pitch, rate
org.sugarlabs.user nick, color
org.sugarlabs backup-url
org.sugarlabs.collaboration jabber-server
org.sugarlabs.power automatic
org.sugarlabs.font default-face, default-size
The activities are numerous, so I didn't include them here, just the values
they user.

Activities that set keys in GConf:
AboutMe: /desktop/sugar/user/nick, /desktop/sugar/user/color
xoEditor: /desktop/sugar/user/color
TurtleArtMini, TortugadeMexico, GoGo, AmazonasTortuga, TurtleFlags,
TurtleConfusion, TurtleBots, TurtleBlocks: /desktop/sugar/power/automatic

There are still countless custom GConf keys that activities use, but they
are not related sugar's core.
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