On Sat, 2014-05-17 at 02:34 -0300, Ignacio Rodríguez wrote:
> About 4751 I remember to have the same problem on first try to port
> icon_size to pixel_size
> http://people.sugarlabs.org/ignacio/Without%20IconSize.png
I am seeing #4751 and #4673 in osbuild at present (but my osbuild is not
error free).

What I am seeing in osbuild, and referring to the above screenshot, (ref
#4751) is:

the actual icon is 27 pixels wide, same as I expect
the "original Frame" appears as expected 54 / 56 pixels wide,
the "distorted Frame", say 72 pixels wide, takes its distortion from the

By "carrier" I refer partially to the grey background of the clipping,
but more specifically the "area_highlighted_on_select".

[I am not sure of my use of the word "palette" in this context. Does

Is it right to say that the frame is distorted by the palette, rather
than the icon?

> So, I think this is a problem of pixel_size
So, is it a problem of the pixel_size in the palette, rather than
pixel_size in the icon?

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