Hi, Gonzalo

Rsync backup to the server is currently implemented via /usr/bin/ds_backup.py. The implementation is flawed in that if a user must delete Journal items because of storage space restrictions, those items are also deleted from the backup. A better approach is to backup individual Journal objects. Users should be able to delete items locally and then restore them from the server as needed. If an XO becomes unusable, the user should be able to restore the Journal on a new machine.

The concern I expressed about git is that implementation will require a modification to activity.py. Currently activity.py on resume loads the Journal object. Subsequent operations modify that object so that it impossible for the user to create a new version. I assume this git strategy is to make the datastore directory git enabled. This would mean that activity.py would load the currently committed object and then store the updated object. If this object is immediately committed to git, that should work. However, suppose the user opens paint with a previously created image and then changes it. This would require a new object not a new version of an existing object. How is that to be handled?


On 03/23/2015 09:26 AM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
The version of backup included in Sugar control panel, allows use different backends.
The only implemented is backup to a local device,
but is possible add another using rsync to backup to a server.


On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 7:23 AM, James Cameron <qu...@laptop.org <mailto:qu...@laptop.org>> wrote:

    On 21/03/2015, at 7:44 PM, Tony Anderson wrote:
    > Currently, the Journal backup is rsync on the datastore. Any
    design with git would need to make sure the git versions are also
    backed up and restored.

    The Backup control panel on Sugar 0.104 doesn't use rsync; it uses

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Gonzalo Odiard

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