Dear Sugar developers,

The Terminal Activity is going to get a new version release in the
very near future.  As you know, this is a core activity providing
access to the Linux command line.  It used to have very few, very
simple, but very important strings.

Zoom out
Zoom in
Open New Tab
Close Tab
Previous Tab
Next Tab

Apparently in the course of the gtk3 port, some of these strings went away

Open New Tab
Close Tab
Previous Tab
Next Tab

which seems a little strange to me, I haven't tested the new code, but
I'm not sure how or why these strings (which I think may have been
tooltips) went away.

See new strings here by looking at any language

Now instead of 15 words, it has ballooned to 121 words with the
addition of some help text.  I'm not against adding help text, but I
do think a change this big merits some discussion and review.  The old
string set was really easy to localize because these exact strings
were widely pre-localized in the upstream projects that contribute to
Poolte's translation memory (TM).

I'd like to to ask whether we lost functionality along with the loss
of the strings about tabs.

Can we do anything to improve these strings?

For instance, this one uses incorrect English grammar:

List the content of a directory.

The plural form "contents" would be better in this string.  Admittedly
that by itself is a small thing and an easy fix, but I would like to
ask folks to look at this code to see if we cqn improve the i18n of
any strings.  Some of the help strings do not appear to be all that
helpful and it is not entirely clear if some would actually be
translated at all (e.g. cd).

I would very much appreciate some additional eyes on this, keeping
translation in mind.


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