Am a junior product designer and software developer mostly front-end, with five 
months of experience in UI/UX Design, I also help to implement the designs into 
an actuall product. Please how can I joint the community and contribute as a 
UI/UX designer or Web designer? Recently I cloned the repo, 
had some issues on windows. When I asked the community for help realized I need 
Linux OS to contribute. Please while I work on that is their any design project 
I can work on?

> On Jul 29, 2019, at 2:15 AM, James Cameron <> wrote:
> What do you mean?  Designer is so vague.  Software designer?  Web site
> designer?  Graphics designer?  System integration designer?  User
> experience designer?  Design is part of everything we do already, and
> a designer who can't implement what they design is generally
> ineffective.
>> On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 02:03:24AM +0100, Oluebube Oti wrote:
>> How about how to get started as a designer?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 28, 2019, at 11:51 PM, James Cameron <> wrote:
>>> Welcome Deepak,
>>> GCompris skills are needed.  The opportunities are;
>>> - maintenance and improvement of the GCompris wrapper activity for
>>> Sugar,
>>> - porting a new GCompris Journal integration activity for
>>> Sugar on current releases of Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora Linux,
>>> - updating the GCompris Journal integration activity for Sugar on OLPC
>>> OS for XO-1, XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4 laptops; a much harder task
>>> because it requires backporting and testing on Fedora 18.
>>> You can find how to get started as a Sugar Labs developer below.
>>> New to Sugar Labs?  Unlock these achievements.  Work from top to
>>> bottom. [v7]
>>> 1.  Use Sugar or Sugarizer,
>>>   * by using Sugar or Sugarizer you will learn how it works, and
>>>     what can be improved.
>>>   * mandatory,
>>> 2.  Read our Code of Conduct,
>>>   * especially note the need to choose an appropriate forum, and
>>>     remind others to do the same,
>>>   * mandatory,
>>> 3.  Join the developer mailing list,
>>>   * for asking questions and helping others,
>>>   * subscribe before posting,
>>>   * don't use digest mode if you plan to post messages or replies,
>>>     as it breaks threads,
>>>   * try to keep discussions public; the default reply mode is
>>>     private, so use reply-all,
>>>   * mandatory,
>>> 4.  Get a GitHub account,
>>>   * for reporting issues that you won't fix,
>>>   * for fixing problems in source code,
>>>   * recommended,
>>> 5.  Join the Sugar Labs GitHub organisation,
>>>   * for regular source code contributors, and reviewers, by
>>>     invitation, contact one of the existing members,
>>>   * helpful for mail notification of GitHub activity,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 6.  Join as a Member of Sugar Labs,
>>>   * requires some contribution; code, documentation, translations,
>>>     maintenance, running a Sugar deployment, or any other
>>>     non-trivial activities which benefit Sugar Labs,
>>>   * reviewed by committee,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 7.  Get a account,
>>>   * needed for maintaining Wiki content,
>>>   * needed as part of moving Wiki content to GitHub,
>>>   * for subscribing to edit notifications.
>>>   * optional,
>>> 8.  Get an account,
>>>   * needed for releasing new versions of Sugar activities that are
>>>     compatible with Fedora 18 systems,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 9.  Get a account,
>>>   * requires a justification,
>>>   * also provides a mail alias,
>>>   * for releasing new versions of Sugar components, test builds,
>>>     or large data sets,
>>>   * for limited experimentation with non-root network services, such
>>>     as bots or IRC proxies,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 10. Get a account,
>>>   * if you are bi- or multi-lingual, use your skills,
>>>   * especially if you can test Sugar activities and components, as
>>>     this will inform your translations,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 11. Get a account,
>>>   * only if you must maintain old bug reports,
>>>   * new issues may be reported via GitHub,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 12. Join Sugar on Fedora live system mailing list,
>>>   * download, test, report bugs, fix bugs, package,
>>>   * share your experience with others who focus on this
>>>     distribution,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 13. Join Sugar on Debian mailing lists,
>>>   * download, test, report bugs, fix bugs, package,
>>>   * share your experience with others who focus on this distribution
>>>     or Ubuntu,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 14. Join the Internet Relay Chat channel #sugar
>>>   irc://
>>>   * for synchronous chat with others; rare to see unless a meeting
>>>     is arranged,
>>>   * requires registration with,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 15. Join the Internet Relay Chat channel #sugar-meeting
>>>   irc://
>>>   * for meetings to be logged,
>>>   * requires registration with,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 16. Join Gitter
>>>   * for chat with others, although it has faded since introduced,
>>>   * best is mailing list sugar-devel@ for topics of general interest,
>>>   * requires registration with one of several organisations,
>>>   * optional,
>>> 17. Maintain an Activity
>>>   * many learner focused activities (apps) need simple maintenance,
>>>   * adopt an activity you like as your focus.
>>> Hope that helps!
>>> See also "How to ask for directions",
>>>> On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 11:47:46PM +0530, Deepak Kumar wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I am Deepak Kumar a 3rd year undergraduate pursuing B.E in Information
>>>> Technology from Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur. I am a 
>>>> open
>>>> source developer earlier contributing to KDE GCompris project. I also found
>>>> this project interesting and want to start making my contributions to this
>>>> project. Can someone guide me please how to get started with it?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Deepak Kumar
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Sugar-devel mailing list
>>> -- 
>>> James Cameron
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>>> Sugar-devel mailing list
>> _______________________________________________
>> Sugar-devel mailing list
> -- 
> James Cameron
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> Sugar-devel mailing list
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