Thanks for asking.  All tasks contain some design.  There is more to
do than can possibly be done.  We don't have time to make a list.

Could you please self-direct?  Please use Sugar, Sugarizer or Music
Blocks, and choose what to work on, based on;

* your time,

* your interest,

* your equipment,

* how many other people are also interested, and;

* your previous experience with the languages, tools, and operating

You are always the best judge of these things.  If you fail in one of
these areas, you can self-improve.

Lionel can tell you what needs doing in Sugarizer.  Walter can tell
you what needs doing in Music Blocks.  For Sugar, what needs doing is;

* maintenance of activities, through to release and publishing,

* back-porting Sugarizer activities to Sugar,

* adaption of Sugar to high resolution displays,

* review and testing of work by others.

You began looking at www-sugarlabs.  New developers should avoid
changes to our infrastructure, such as web sites and documentation,
until they have demonstrated ongoing contribution to Sugar, Sugarizer
or Music Blocks.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 02:32:11AM +0100, Oluebube Oti wrote:
> Am a junior product designer and software developer mostly front-end, with 
> five months of experience in UI/UX Design, I also help to implement the 
> designs into an actuall product. Please how can I joint the community and 
> contribute as a UI/UX designer or Web designer? Recently I cloned the 
> repo, had some issues on windows. When I asked the 
> community for help realized I need Linux OS to contribute. Please while I 
> work on that is their any design project I can work on?
> > On Jul 29, 2019, at 2:15 AM, James Cameron <> wrote:
> > 
> > What do you mean?  Designer is so vague.  Software designer?  Web site
> > designer?  Graphics designer?  System integration designer?  User
> > experience designer?  Design is part of everything we do already, and
> > a designer who can't implement what they design is generally
> > ineffective.
> > 
> >> On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 02:03:24AM +0100, Oluebube Oti wrote:
> >> How about how to get started as a designer?
> >> 
> >> Sent from my iPhone
> >> 
> >>> On Jul 28, 2019, at 11:51 PM, James Cameron <> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> Welcome Deepak,
> >>> 
> >>> GCompris skills are needed.  The opportunities are;
> >>> 
> >>> - maintenance and improvement of the GCompris wrapper activity for
> >>> Sugar,
> >>> 
> >>> - porting a new GCompris Journal integration activity for
> >>> Sugar on current releases of Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora Linux,
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>> - updating the GCompris Journal integration activity for Sugar on OLPC
> >>> OS for XO-1, XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4 laptops; a much harder task
> >>> because it requires backporting and testing on Fedora 18.
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>> You can find how to get started as a Sugar Labs developer below.
> >>> 
> >>> New to Sugar Labs?  Unlock these achievements.  Work from top to
> >>> bottom. [v7]
> >>> 
> >>> 1.  Use Sugar or Sugarizer,
> >>> 
> >>>   
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * by using Sugar or Sugarizer you will learn how it works, and
> >>>     what can be improved.
> >>> 
> >>>   * mandatory,
> >>> 
> >>> 2.  Read our Code of Conduct,
> >>> 
> >>>   
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * especially note the need to choose an appropriate forum, and
> >>>     remind others to do the same,
> >>> 
> >>>   * mandatory,
> >>> 
> >>> 3.  Join the developer mailing list,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * for asking questions and helping others,
> >>> 
> >>>   * subscribe before posting,
> >>> 
> >>>   * don't use digest mode if you plan to post messages or replies,
> >>>     as it breaks threads,
> >>> 
> >>>   * try to keep discussions public; the default reply mode is
> >>>     private, so use reply-all,
> >>> 
> >>>   * mandatory,
> >>> 
> >>> 4.  Get a GitHub account,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * for reporting issues that you won't fix,
> >>> 
> >>>   * for fixing problems in source code,
> >>> 
> >>>   * recommended,
> >>> 
> >>> 5.  Join the Sugar Labs GitHub organisation,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * for regular source code contributors, and reviewers, by
> >>>     invitation, contact one of the existing members,
> >>> 
> >>>   * helpful for mail notification of GitHub activity,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 6.  Join as a Member of Sugar Labs,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * requires some contribution; code, documentation, translations,
> >>>     maintenance, running a Sugar deployment, or any other
> >>>     non-trivial activities which benefit Sugar Labs,
> >>> 
> >>>   * reviewed by committee,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 7.  Get a account,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * needed for maintaining Wiki content,
> >>> 
> >>>   * needed as part of moving Wiki content to GitHub,
> >>> 
> >>>   * for subscribing to edit notifications.
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 8.  Get an account,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * needed for releasing new versions of Sugar activities that are
> >>>     compatible with Fedora 18 systems,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 9.  Get a account,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * requires a justification,
> >>> 
> >>>   * also provides a mail alias,
> >>> 
> >>>   * for releasing new versions of Sugar components, test builds,
> >>>     or large data sets,
> >>> 
> >>>   * for limited experimentation with non-root network services, such
> >>>     as bots or IRC proxies,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 10. Get a account,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * if you are bi- or multi-lingual, use your skills,
> >>> 
> >>>   * especially if you can test Sugar activities and components, as
> >>>     this will inform your translations,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 11. Get a account,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * only if you must maintain old bug reports,
> >>> 
> >>>   * new issues may be reported via GitHub,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 12. Join Sugar on Fedora live system mailing list,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * download, test, report bugs, fix bugs, package,
> >>> 
> >>>   * share your experience with others who focus on this
> >>>     distribution,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 13. Join Sugar on Debian mailing lists,
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * download, test, report bugs, fix bugs, package,
> >>> 
> >>>   * share your experience with others who focus on this distribution
> >>>     or Ubuntu,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 14. Join the Internet Relay Chat channel #sugar
> >>> 
> >>>   irc://
> >>> 
> >>>   * for synchronous chat with others; rare to see unless a meeting
> >>>     is arranged,
> >>> 
> >>>   * requires registration with,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 15. Join the Internet Relay Chat channel #sugar-meeting
> >>> 
> >>>   irc://
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * for meetings to be logged,
> >>> 
> >>>   * requires registration with,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 16. Join Gitter
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * for chat with others, although it has faded since introduced,
> >>> 
> >>>   * best is mailing list sugar-devel@ for topics of general interest,
> >>> 
> >>>   * requires registration with one of several organisations,
> >>> 
> >>>   * optional,
> >>> 
> >>> 17. Maintain an Activity
> >>> 
> >>>   
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>   * many learner focused activities (apps) need simple maintenance,
> >>> 
> >>>   * adopt an activity you like as your focus.
> >>> 
> >>> Hope that helps!
> >>> 
> >>> See also "How to ask for directions",
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>> On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 11:47:46PM +0530, Deepak Kumar wrote:
> >>>> Hello everyone,
> >>>> I am Deepak Kumar a 3rd year undergraduate pursuing B.E in Information
> >>>> Technology from Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur. I am 
> >>>> a open
> >>>> source developer earlier contributing to KDE GCompris project. I also 
> >>>> found
> >>>> this project interesting and want to start making my contributions to 
> >>>> this
> >>>> project. Can someone guide me please how to get started with it?
> >>>> 
> >>>> Thanks
> >>>> Deepak Kumar
> >>> 
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> Sugar-devel mailing list
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> -- 
> >>> James Cameron
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> Sugar-devel mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Sugar-devel mailing list
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > -- 
> > James Cameron
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sugar-devel mailing list
> >
> >

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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