eben wrote:
 > Actually, I have a rather silly -o flag at the moment, which lets one
 > specify an output directory.  Maybe I should just make this an output
 > path (including filename), which would allow one to specify an
 > alternate filename for the "sugarized" icon.  Would this be
 > appropriate for the use case you had in mind, or would it truly be
 > better to rename the old backup instead?  I'm honestly not too worried

i'd prefer a backup file, but that's just me.  i tend to do things
like diff the original and the output, to better understand what the
script did.  and i'm fumble-fingered enough that i could easily see
invoking this on the wrong file, and changing something that i didn't
intend to.

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (arlington, ma, where it's 36.1 degrees)
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