At Thu, 10 Jul 2008 16:14:05 -0400,
Brian Jordan wrote:
> Hi friends!
> Physics is a physics playground for the XO currently being written by
> myself and Alex Levenson. We hope it will be a fun tool for playing
> with and learning physical concepts, and that the work of the
> Physics/Elements teams can be used as a backend for making all
> activities fun and interactive.

  It is working pretty well.  One thing I'm for sure you're planning
to add is a switch to stop and resume time.  My colleague Takashi, who
did a similar stuff but a scriptable one
(, and I were having fun to make
a pendulum in "Physics" with pre-planned scaffoldings and removing
them.  (It can be a fun puzzle, actually.)

  Yes, for longer term, it would be great if there is a scripting
capability so that the user can specify, say, when an object goes to
certain location, that can trigger a script and, say, create a new

-- Yoshiki
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