On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 6:32 PM, Jerry Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seems like this problem for linux was solved with RPM.

I wouldn't go quite that far. The holes in RPM drove me to Debian. %-[

> With rpm if something is missing for something you want to install, it
> complains and won't let you install it.

Apt and yum also track dependencies, both better than RPM, and rather
than refuse to install, they offer to get the dependent libraries for
you. Why aren't we using this approach with xo-get?

> It seems like a lot of the python code I have looked at assumes you have
> stuff and just quietly dies and you have to look at the log and see, oh I am
> missing <some module>.
> Like the Terminal activity needs python-json.
> Pacman needs pygame.
> Jerry Williams
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:sugar-
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mikus Grinbergs
>> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 6:19 PM
>> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; sugar@lists.laptop.org
>> Subject: [sugar] specifying what services Activities may use
>> There was an earlier discussion of how to provide the right build
>> level for users out in the field, since now Builds can be installed
>> separately from Activities -- leading to the possibility that for
>> someone an Activity_version on his XO will find itself *mismatched*
>> with the Build_version on his XO.
>> The problem is bigger than that.
>> Since Joyride 2210, I have seen three of the Activities I often show
>> off get broken by the *removal* of services from the Joyride builds.
>> If the current software distribution process has trouble matching
>> existing Activities to the services_provided_by_a_Build -- how will
>> NOT YET EXISTING Activities be accommodated by the software that
>> Sugar is supposed to run on top of ???
>> I'm thinking of someone in a far-off land who has an idea for a
>> "killer" Activity, to be run under Sugar.  HOW does he learn which
>> (library, or kernel, or whatever) services will be available
>> *everywhere* Sugar can be installed, which services will be
>> available only with *specific* builds/platforms, and which services
>> would *never* be available for functions fitted into Sugar ?
>> mikus
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