> 2) the Journal always appearing below the XO icon

If only. But only at first boot. The icon below the XO icon is always
whatever activity currently selected in the Activity View.

The bottom line is that, at least as far as the XO is concerned (and
other machines with limited memory and no swap) the list of activities
to tab through, with or without the Journal, is going to be a short
list, so is it really such a pressing issue?

I'd love the same passion developed to some of the issues/topics that
impact the learning. How can we make the Journal better, regardless of
how we open it and regardless of whether we consider it an activity or
part of Sugar core?


On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 10:42 PM, Martin Dengler
> On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 11:31:48AM -0400, Eben Eliason wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 7:43 AM, Martin Dengler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 12:21:23PM +0200, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
>> > > have we reached any consensus on [alt-tabbing to the Journal]?
>> >
>> > [some pros and cons]
>> You missed one of my biggest reservations in the cons:
>> 3. The Journal wouldn't appear beneath the XO at boot.
> Would you disagree that
> 1) prescribing a special place for the Journal on boot is treating it
> _very_unlike_ every other activity; and
> 2) the Journal always appearing below the XO icon is a feature
> separate enough from the keyboard-, Alt-Tab-, and frame-accessibility
> of the Journal that we can seriously consider the notion that those
> features might apply differently to the Journal than they do to every
> other activity
> ...?
>> It's important to me that the Journal be one click (yes, click; not
>> just keystroke) away when the child boots the laptop.
> I will not whinge (nor feel the desire to) that that be changed.
>> The current activity gets positioned here under the XO, so in the
>> current paradigm this happens implicitly.
> This is a happy coincidence of getting the behavior you want (Journal
> always shows under XO man at start) due to another set of directives
> (the first activity launched shows under and you've dictated that the
> Journal launches first) rather than a justification for the set of
> directives.  Or, put another way, that's an implementation detail: the
> goal is that you want the Journal under the XO, not that a) the journal
> should be the first activity launched and that b) the current activtity should
> show under the XO so thus you just happen to get the journal there at
> boot; if you were to change one of a) or b) you would not happily give
> up the Journal-under-XO-at boot.
>> Also:
>> 4. The zoom level metaphor is specifically meant to convey the idea of
>> physical spaces.
> [...]
>> The Journal, as a "place for storing things"
> I think there is no disagreement, or you're saying a "physical space"
> is different than "place for storing things".  Otherwise it sounds
> like the Journal, as a "place [in which, thus a "space",] for storing
> things", fits quite nicely within the zoom level metaphor.  I also
> convince myself of that by seeing how I react to the intuition that I
> "zoom" from Neighborhood --> Friends --> Self --> Desk/Activity -->
> inside the previous level [Desk].  Zooming inside my desk/activity/XO
> to see the Journal seems unjarring a transition to be making.
> Martin
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