On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 18:03, Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero <

> Lately in OLPC-Sur mail list there has been discussions about working with
> kids with hearing discapacities
> especially i like one  experience in Itagui Colombia:
> http://inclusion.semitagui.gov.co/index.php?title=Portada
> other professors in Uruguay are also interested in these matters
> But my doubt here it's about if are out there studies, thesis, or academic
> dissertations about how GUIs can  have an impact in child's or persons with
> disabilities not just censorial but also learning disorders.
> Are there specific studies related to Sugar?
> IIRC this was previously discussed so any links or pointers are welcomed
> My intention is to give this feedback to professors on Colombia and
> Uruguay.


I'm at Gallaudet University, which is the only accredited liberal arts
university for deaf students world-wide.  Many people are unaware that the
campus also houses an elementary school and a secondary school for deaf
students, as well as a child development center for pre-schoolers.  There
are a few people on campus interested in finding ways to bring the XO to
deaf children in developing countries.  I am unaware of any formal studies,
but as for large-scale deployments that are probably being studied, see the
following article from March 2008, "Illinois School for the Deaf gets free


Be sure to follow the link to "More photos" as well.  I don't know how
long the article will be available, considering that it was published
in March...

Also note that Antonio Battro, Chief Education Officer at OLPC has
been working with deaf children and computers for to decades in
Argentina, (see www.byd.com.ar) and stated a while back "we are
planning a program for the deaf in Uruguay with OLPC/CEIBAL"...  Are
the professors you're talking to already involved with that effort?

Rafael Ortiz
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