Another resource:

Jutta Treviranus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is also leading an
effort to look at Accessibility in the context of Sugar and FLOSS.


On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Tomeu Vizoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> most of the people in the SugarLabs community is unable to do anything
> about OLPC's hardware, but as was commented in this thread, there's
> lots of work to do in the software side.
> Perhaps someone will volunteer to lead an Accessibility Team? See
> though right now it's a stub
> that needs some love.
> Regards,
> Tomeu
> On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 1:03 AM, Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Kevin, Bill and others that emailed me privately
>> i'll expect to do a little resume of this email for teachers  interested.
>> On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Kevin Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 18:03, Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> Lately in OLPC-Sur mail list there has been discussions about working
>>>> with kids with hearing discapacities
>>>> especially i like one  experience in Itagui Colombia:
>>>> other professors in Uruguay are also interested in these matters
>>>> But my doubt here it's about if are out there studies, thesis, or
>>>> academic dissertations about how GUIs can  have an impact in child's or
>>>> persons with disabilities not just censorial but also learning disorders.
>>>> Are there specific studies related to Sugar?
>>>> IIRC this was previously discussed so any links or pointers are welcomed
>>>> My intention is to give this feedback to professors on Colombia and
>>>> Uruguay.
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm at Gallaudet University, which is the only accredited liberal arts
>>> university for deaf students world-wide.  Many people are unaware that the
>>> campus also houses an elementary school and a secondary school for deaf
>>> students, as well as a child development center for pre-schoolers.  There
>>> are a few people on campus interested in finding ways to bring the XO to
>>> deaf children in developing countries.  I am unaware of any formal studies,
>>> but as for large-scale deployments that are probably being studied, see the
>>> following article from March 2008, "Illinois School for the Deaf gets free
>>> computers"
>>> Be sure to follow the link to "More photos" as well.  I don't know how
>>> long the article will be available, considering that it was published in
>>> March...
>>> Also note that Antonio Battro, Chief Education Officer at OLPC has been
>>> working with deaf children and computers for to decades in Argentina, (see
>>> and stated a while back "we are planning a program for the
>>> deaf in Uruguay with OLPC/CEIBAL"...  Are the professors you're talking to
>>> already involved with that effort?
>> Kevin, that's interesting , I'll redirect   professors in Uruguay  to that
>> because i think they are not aware of it,
>> Thanks again.
>>>> Rafael Ortiz
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