Dag Wieers wrote:
On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

Hi, folks. What's going on, if anything, to add Fedora 9 to the RPMforge targets? I'd like to update my Subversioin to be compatible with my RPMforge supplied Subversion-1.5.2, but I'm tripping over the handling of ruby requirements to build it in 'mock'. I'm also testing out a Nagios 3 .spec file, called 'nagis3.spec' to rename it to reflect the major release change, but I'm testing it on Fedora 9 for various reasons and want to be assured that it will work well there for RPMforge.

That is a good question. I stopped doing Fedora since FC3 if I remember correctly, mostly because I am no longer interested in running it for myself. Then Dries showed interest in continuing it. I am not sure whether Dries still wants to take care of Fedora 9 otherwise if someone else wants to take over I think we should allow that to happen.
Woof. That's a lot of work, to learn your folks package building tools and take that up (as you guys surely, surely know!) You're using a virtual server to do nightly rebuilds, right?

For me it is important to include (at least) the latest Fedora because newer technologies/infrastructure will come with the next RHEL/CentOS anyway so it helps to be prepared for it.
I've got Subversion 1.5.1 building with Fedora 9's mock from the Fedora 'testing' repository, so I'm OK for now. Other packages, like the php-pear-propel package, are only available in Fedora 'testing' and would benefit from being in your repositories, for uses like Lilac.

But of course, it is a lot of work to keep up, so it probably needs dedication if it is continued.

PS Since our aim is to move to rpmrepo when it is ready, it is important to understand that what we do will need to work with what is decide for rpmrepo.

The Wiki seems to say it's not really up yet, and I don't see a codebase or layout for the new structure there. It's cool. Is there a list other than the Wiki itself for discussing it?
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