Hi Yury

What left me wondering are your strip statements. Normally, the binaries
and the libraries will get stripped automatically and the symbols will
be packed into the debug packages unless their generation is explicitly

OK, my standard CentOS 5.5 might not have the correct rpmbuild macros installed???

I did a normal "rpmbuild -ba".
And afterwards i did a "rpmlint" which told me that the libcaca Makefile had not ran an "install -s" (i guess) to strip the production binaries.
Thats why I have added them manually.

Is there another RPMbuild-way to do that? Or should one just tell the libcaca programmer to do a proper Makefile?

Also, la-files are to be excluded as they cause more harm than good.

They are allowed in a devel-package, right? or should a devel-static package be made for the *.la files?


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