I appreciate your response,

I installed the newer version just yesterday and I am still getting waitSteps 
in the Tripinfo output and I don't get any waitingTime.

Additionally, where can I get a good measure of queue length and congestion?

Thank you,

Tariq R Rahimi

From: Jakob Erdmann <namdre.s...@googlemail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 3:00:19 AM
To: Rahimi, Tariq Rahim
Cc: Sumo project User discussions
Subject: Re: A question about timestep and tau

The value of waitSteps counts the number of simulation steps in which a vehicle 
was waiting. So if your vehicle waits for 3 seconds and you simulation with 
--step-length 0.2 that would be 15 waitSteps.
In the latest development version, the attribute waitSteps is replaced with 
waitingTime which is measured in seconds. 

The value of tau determines the desired time-headway between successive 
vehicles. The exact usage of this value depends on the car following model (see 

To model different perception-reaction times, see 


2018-04-10 2:50 GMT+02:00 Rahimi, Tariq Rahim 

Hello everyone,

When I output the tripinfo, it says waitSteps= an integer value. How can I get 
this or the total waiting time for each vehicle in seconds? Also, how can I 
calculate a queue length?

What is the concept of time Step? when I generate a route file with 12 vehicles 
departing at the same time step but in different time frame, such as the first 
vehicle departs at 0 seconds, the second at 3rd second, the third one in 6th 
second but they all are departing at the same time step. Here, the time step in 
9 seconds. 10 minutes later, there are 5 vehicles departing at the same time 
step and the time step there becomes 5 seconds.

What can I make of time step if I want to calculate the waiting time at an 

Also, any ideas on what does tau trigger? what file can I find it's source code 
and what functions are related to it? I want to simulate different 
perception-reaction times (0.5 second, 1 second, 2 seconds), How should I go 
for it?

Thank you,

Tariq R Rahimi
Graduate Student

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