
Am I only facing this problem?

I am giving my flow/route files a value of 5000 vehsPerHour in total for 12 
directions and specifying the time from 0 to 3600. I also want to simulate 
1.25x and 1.5x the amount in one hour. When I give it any value above 5000 
vehicles, SUMO is not simulating more than 5000 something in one hour. I have 
tried different step-lengths, it simulates around 6000 vehicles when I use a 
step-length of 0.8 or around it. The simulation stops at 3600 because I 
specified so, other than that, it goes to 4000 seconds and more.

In short, it vehsPerHour doesn't do what it should.

Thank you,

Tariq R Rahimi

From: Jakob Erdmann <namdre.s...@googlemail.com>
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2018 1:21:55 AM
To: Rahimi, Tariq Rahim
Cc: Sumo project User discussions
Subject: Re: A question about timestep and tau

when testing different intersection configurations it is a common occurence 
that some scenarios do not permit all vehicles to arrive (or even depart) 
within a given time frame due to congestion.
In that case you may either end the simulation early (and deal with the reduced 
number of completed trips in your evaluation) or you may wait till all vehicle 
have arrived (and deal with the increased duration in your evaluation).

- Sumo can automatically reduce the number of vehicles imported from a route 
file by setting the option --scale.

- if a queue extends beyond the length of the E2 detector, that part of the 
queue is not registered.

- tau is used in the car following models. see src/microsim/cfmodels 
(MSCFModel_Krauss.cpp if you didn't configure another model).

- thank you for the suggestion regarding lane geometries. We intend to fix but 
did not yet get around to it: 


2018-04-19 21:54 GMT+02:00 Rahimi, Tariq Rahim 

I appreciate your time Jakob,

I was using the version 32 and it works fine now in the latest development 

I want to simulate 1 hour worth of traffic of 4933 vehicles, I am generating 
the route_file through python so that the directions and vehTypes can be random.

I still have problem with depart, if I change it to 3600 timesteps as well, all 
the vehicles won't finish in the 60 minutes allotted.

What is a good solution for this through python? I tried --step-length when 
running the configuration file in SUMO-GUI, it didn't work. Can SUMO reduce the 
number of vehicles by percentage if I specify 40 minutes or 90 minutes? I am 
using probabilities here in python as it is not equally spaced if I am not 

Also, you said I can obtain queue-length from E2 detector, what variables can I 
get it from (adding or subtracting). If I use the E-2 detector for just 50 
meters and the queue length goes above that, what's the case here?

Additionally, can you give me the reference for tau's code file, I want to know 
what it triggers?

Just a suggestion, can you guys think of a way so that the a 4-leg intersection 
can have 2 outbounds and 4 inbounds (2 left turns) and the geometry should 
align themselves automatically (the left storage lane would be in front of the 
opposite directions left storage lane, currently the medians are aligned), If I 
have a scenario with 4 inbounds and 2 outbounds, it shows crashes.

Thank you,

Tariq R Rahimi
Graduate Student
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH 43606

O: NI 1076
P: 567-806-0945
E: tariqrahim.rah...@rockets.utoledo.edu<http://www.utoledo.edu>

From: Jakob Erdmann 
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 2:19:36 PM

To: Rahimi, Tariq Rahim
Cc: Sumo project User discussions
Subject: Re: A question about timestep and tau

Did you install version 0.32.0 or did you use the latest development version 
from here: 

You can obtain queue-length using the lanearea detector: 

A good measure of congestion is time loss. A global value can be obtained by 
activating the statistics output: 


2018-04-11 19:33 GMT+02:00 Rahimi, Tariq Rahim 

I appreciate your response,

I installed the newer version just yesterday and I am still getting waitSteps 
in the Tripinfo output and I don't get any waitingTime.

Additionally, where can I get a good measure of queue length and congestion?

Thank you,

Tariq R Rahimi

From: Jakob Erdmann 
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 3:00:19 AM
To: Rahimi, Tariq Rahim
Cc: Sumo project User discussions
Subject: Re: A question about timestep and tau

The value of waitSteps counts the number of simulation steps in which a vehicle 
was waiting. So if your vehicle waits for 3 seconds and you simulation with 
--step-length 0.2 that would be 15 waitSteps.
In the latest development version, the attribute waitSteps is replaced with 
waitingTime which is measured in seconds. 

The value of tau determines the desired time-headway between successive 
vehicles. The exact usage of this value depends on the car following model (see 

To model different perception-reaction times, see 


2018-04-10 2:50 GMT+02:00 Rahimi, Tariq Rahim 

Hello everyone,

When I output the tripinfo, it says waitSteps= an integer value. How can I get 
this or the total waiting time for each vehicle in seconds? Also, how can I 
calculate a queue length?

What is the concept of time Step? when I generate a route file with 12 vehicles 
departing at the same time step but in different time frame, such as the first 
vehicle departs at 0 seconds, the second at 3rd second, the third one in 6th 
second but they all are departing at the same time step. Here, the time step in 
9 seconds. 10 minutes later, there are 5 vehicles departing at the same time 
step and the time step there becomes 5 seconds.

What can I make of time step if I want to calculate the waiting time at an 

Also, any ideas on what does tau trigger? what file can I find it's source code 
and what functions are related to it? I want to simulate different 
perception-reaction times (0.5 second, 1 second, 2 seconds), How should I go 
for it?

Thank you,

Tariq R Rahimi
Graduate Student

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