Dear SUMO Users

I have an issue to use SUMO 1.0.0 version with Java traci code.
When I tried to run SUMO simulation by Java (Traas), I got an error message
at the beginning as following.

*"Error: tcpip::Storage::readIsSafe: want to read 8 bytes from Storage, but
only 4 remaining"*

As I asked you, I just want to use linkindex and linkindex2.
So, first I test configure file applied likeindex2 with SUMO 1.0.0 without
Traas codes, it worked well. However, with Traas, it didn't.
I tried different simulations that worked well with Traas and Sumo 0.32.0,
I got the same error message.
Actually, I didn't change anything in codes, even I didn't add the second
linkindex. I just change from sumo 0.32.0 to sumo 1.0.0.

I wonder if there is an way to solve the error by myself. Or I should await
the update of Traas.
I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you for your time and work in

Best regards,
 Sunghyun Jang
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