
I ran a simple experiment to measure the capacity of a one-lane signalized exit 
ramp that is 1500 feet long.
The result came out a lot higher than expected. The capacity came out to be 
roughly 1,100 veh/hr. (I was expecting to see around 750~800 veh/hr since the 
ramp is signalized).
Is this a typical capacity value in SUMO? I've also included a brief scenario 
settings and methodology below.

The goal was to measure the capacity of a one-lane exit ramp which is 1500 feet 
A signal (G:50, R:70) is placed at the end of the exit ramp. A single vehicle 
type was used with minGap=2.2 and tau=1.
The speed on the exit ramp is 24.59m/s (approximately 55mph). A few iterations 
were done with various traffic flows.
Each iteration was run for 4500 timesteps where the vehicle count of the last 
3600 timesteps was collected (first 900 timesteps were a warm-up period).
e3detectors were placed right after the signal and 'vehicleSum' was used to get 
the vehicle count for the 3600 timesteps.
The maximum count out of all iterations was determined to be the capacity.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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