Hi Simon,
please consider the custom units of the Amitran output (mentiuoned in the 
xsd <https://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/amitran/trajectories.xsd> ). Speed is in 
centimeters per second and acceleration in millimeters per second^2.
Best regards
Betreff: [sumo-user] Acceleration and speed output problem
Datum: 2023-10-28T14:34:57+0200
Von: "Simon Hailemichael via sumo-user" <sumo-user@eclipse.org>
An: "Sumo project User discussions" <sumo-user@eclipse.org>

Hello Everyone,

I am working on a simulation project that requires me to generate speed and 
acceleration data using  FCD and Amitran outputs. I have no problem with 
the FCD output, but the Amitran output gives me unrealistic values for 
speed and acceleration at every time step. For example, I get something 
like speed="1992" time="823000" acceleration="2330"/>. I have attached a 
screenshot of the result and the SUMO configuration file for your 
reference. Has anyone encountered this issue before and can offer some 
advice on how to fix it? I appreciate your time and help. 

Simon Michael 
Road and Transport Engineer


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