The edge permissions in SUMO are defined through vehicle classes
, which are a property of the vehicle type. You can have multiple vehicle 
types sharing the same vehicle class. The vehicle class is assigned to the 
vehicle type by defining an attribute vClass="<vClass-ID>" (e.g. 
vClass="passenger") in the vehicle type definition.
Best regards
Betreff: [sumo-user] Multimodal transport problem
Datum: 2023-11-13T12:09:24+0100
Von: "Mohit Garg via sumo-user" <>
An: "Sumo project User discussions" <>
Hi there,
I am trying to implement multi-modal transport by assigning different 
vehicle types such as bike, car and motorcycle to the different edges of 
the road network e.g., assigning bike to edge id 1, car to edge id 2, 
motorcycle to edge id 3, etc. But this implementation currently has the 
issue that if we want to have let's say bike to edge id 2 later on, that 
wouldn't be allowed because only car was assigned for edge id 2. Please 
advise if I am missing something.
Any leads would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,

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